Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 29--July 19, 2011

Greetings from Chowchilla, CA, dastardly hot home of the bus driver who kidnapped the school kids and buried them in an underground bunker.  Haven't we all wanted to do that to some child at some point?  Be honest.  I can say that because they were rescued, I think.

Coming from the cool north, it's hard to face a regular California summer.  Not my favorite weather.

Do you know how hard it is to find an RV park in Podunk, USA?  Whoa Nelly.  We have a fat campground guide that saved our bacon the other night.  Without its guidance, we never would have found the Grant County Fairgrounds and RV Park in John Day, CA.  Betcha don't even know where John Day is!  You're not missing a bunch, but we did find a lot of the small towns we drove through on 395 rather charming.  John Day actually had a hilltop airport with small planes, helicopters, and a crop duster.  I insisted that Manskills visit the site.  He's always yearning to release his inner pilot and fly again.

One thing that continues to astonish us is the fact that you can drive a fairly major highway and see no other vehicles for miles and miles.  No gas stations.  No state patrols.  No cell phone coverage.  Lots of prayers for no car trouble.  Considering that we average about 10 mpg in the Box, and had to drive 140 miles between gas fill-ups over curvy roads and mountain passes, it just proves the power of prayer.

We travelers love to find signs and details that remind us just how far away from home we really are.  South of Spokane, we spotted the Snappy Sports Senter (sic) that was advertising an "Elk Calling Workshop."  Hmmm...why do you suppose an elk would want to be called?  In John Day, we thought they were being very friendly when a sign proclaimed "Come and see Tracy's Bull," until we realized it was outside a "Custom Meats" store.  Bet Tracy's bull wasn't on the hoof.  Sorry--I like to think that my meat grows on refrigerated trees in plastic wrap.

Looks like two more days on the road will wrap up this adventure.  Mojave, here we come.  Such a garden spot in July!

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