Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 1--June 21, 2011

The adventure begins--with two grumpy people who once again didn't get enough sleep or finish all the preparations in the weeks prior to leaving on a five-week trip in "The Box" (otherwise known as our 23-foot travel trailer).  Maggie, the springer spaniel, named The Box (as opposed to The Car).

Into each life a little rain...which started with side mirrors that had been perfectly adjusted and suddenly became so ski-wonkussed that Man Skills (aka Bob) wasn't sure that he could adjust them.  He came through, as usual, and we were off.

Maggie, princess that she is, didn't appreciate the special platform bed that her master had built just for her so that it would be easier to sit and lie upon than the usual bucket seat.  She, being the only dog we have ever been owned by, likes to look out the window when we travel.  So I hit upon the idea of totally blocking all floor space available to her in the car so that she had no choice but to use the new elevated bed.  Eventually, she settled down, stopped panting, and went to sleep.  Don't know if she ever looked out the window.

Did you know that there are three gigantic mountain passes between Irvine and Las Vegas?  That's what they felt like as we poked along at 30 mph watching the temperature gauge rise slightly until the A/C turned off--and it was 200 degrees outside!  (or at least 104 felt like 200 with no A/C)  Once again, Manskills came through and we didn't end up on the side of the road with steam pouring out from under the hood.

Well, it may be down to 89 or so outside, so we can finally give Maggie her long awaited walk.  Gotta love Las Vegas in the summertime!

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