Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 3--June 23, 2011

The mighty threesome managed to get going a bit earlier today.  We drove north up through Salt Lake City (congested) and eventually turned northeast toward Logan, UT.  What a gorgeous drive!  Green, green hills and fields, masses of wildflowers, cattle and horses grazing, snow-dusted peaks.  The Mighty Mini-van even made it up and over a pass without too much angst.

One incident of note yesterday in Fillmore...  We were getting gas and a gal drove up in a pick-up (does anyone in this state drive anything else?).  I noticed what looked like a life-size eagle's foot (talons?  claws?) dangling from her rear-view mirror.  Eewww, I thought.  Later, we discovered that Millard Fillmore High School (what else would they call it?) is the home of the Eagles!  So, I just hope that Missy was displaying a fake piece of team spirit...

Our family has a long-standing tradition of recording the states we see on license plates when we travel.  We were so obsessed on a trip to Canada with Ryan and Erin that I remember following some car around the parking lot at Lake Louise, Alberta (only one of the most spectacular views on the face of the planet--the lake, not the parking lot), confirming a certain plate we were missing--New Jersey?  Anyway, we managed in the first two days of our travels this time to sight twenty-four states and one province.  Not bad--except that we now have all the easy ones.  It's usually those snooty little first thirteen colonies that are hard to come by--either their populations are tiny (sorry, NY) or they are too finicky to come west.  Oh, well, we'll keep on the hunt and keep you posted.

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