Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 6--June 26, 2011

I never thought I would miss technology, but I'm afraid I have succumbed to the ability to stay in touch with friends, family, and the world any time of day or night--unless you're in a national park.  Of course, it should be argued that the internet is not the reason for visiting such an awesome place--that is, unless you want to share the awesomeness with others.

We did discover free wi-fi at Jackson Lake Lodge, so we are relaxing in a beautiful lobby and techie-ing away.  We love to visit the great park lodges, so we would have explored this building anyway.  Hard to beat the view of the Tetons out the huge windows.

Manskills set up our hi-def satellite TV yesterday, so we caught up on the CNN world.  It did feel a bit sacrilegious to be looking at that instead of the surrounding forest.

We keep hoping to see wildlife and so far have spied pronghorn antelope, pelicans (yes, they summer here), an eagle, and elk.  No bear (although they are around) and no moose.  I think they hear us coming and scatter.

We did enjoy our first-ever breakfast cruise this morning on Jackson Lake.  We motored over to Elk Island and ate a full, fresh-cooked breakfast while gazing at the peaks.  Not bad--especially if you don't mind mosquitoes.  One of our guides offered to let us take some home as souvenirs.

We admired Jenny Lake lodge until we discovered its $600/night price tag.  Our $10/night spot looks better and better!

Off to Yellowstone in the morning...

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