Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 2--June 22, 2011

I choose really exciting titles everyday, right?  Today we drove through Nevada (boring), Arizona (more boring)--until we got to the Virgin River Gorge.  You feel almost as if you are driving through the bottom of the Grand Canyon.  Then on to Utah, where it actually started to get green and show some trees and snow on the high mountains--in late June?

Another long day for Manskills (my driver).  I offered to try driving with the Box in tow, but he didn't want to have to concentrate that hard to teach me.  Heh, heh.  Put that one off for another day.

We stopped at a lovely, grassy rest area to stretch and let Miss Maggie do a walk-about.  So she chooses to water the grass on the way to the pet area right under the sign saying "Dogs Prohibited on Grass."  Good move, Divine Miss M.

We still had some problems going over passes and have decided that it's just due to the blasted heat (the engine doesn't like anything over 100).  It seemed happier when we dropped to the 80's.

We're in Fillmore, Utah, small town and home of the first territorial state capital (big and brick), the Millard County Courthouse (bigger and brick), and, you guessed it, the President Millard Fillmore Library (a bit smaller and brick).  

Fillmore is the home of a week-long ATV Jamboree.    The first place I called a couple of months ago was filled, so they suggested our current digs.  When we got here, too tired to see straight, she couldn't find a reservation for us.  After almost choking (me), she (bless her) took us in anyway.  I must have looked desperate.

Thank goodness for A/C and the electrical hook-up needed for it--off to northern Utah tomorrow.

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