Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 4--June 24, 2011

Our site in Logan boasted honest-to-goodness grass, in which the Divine Miss M reveled.  She found one particular spot extraordinarily pleasing and proceeded to roll over and over on her back in it.  We couldn’t discern its appeal—just as well—so its charms were not obvious to humans.

We knew we were not in Irvine when we spotted several kiosks labeled “Rock Chip Repair.”  We even saw a car receiving said repairs on its windshield.

Leaving Logan, Utah, we traversed a truly “scenic byway” through Logan Canyon—awesomely beautiful and almost deserted.  We’re sure the Logan River was running high—at times almost lapping the road.

We drove through Jackson Hole (the entire valley hereabouts) and reached Jackson (the town).  It was as touristy and crowded as we remembered from a previous trip.  We managed to miss our turn at the town square and had to circle the antler decorated plaza before finding the right road.  Exciting times in congested traffic and pedestrians with small streets and twenty-three feet of dead weight behind you!  However, Manskills executed the required maneuvers flawlessly.  (I have to continue the praise so that he doesn’t hand me the wheel.)

The Tetons are just as advertised—grand.  Plenty of snow on top.  Our campsite, with no hook-ups (water, sewer, electricity) is gorgeous.  The only flaw in the area are the multitudinous mosquitoes.  And, although I had my hands on the insect repellent at home, I can’t locate it now.  Oh, well—a trip to the general store will have to do.

We are amazed at the lack of cellular and wi-fi coverage here.  So, although we are alive and well, this blog may not get posted for a few days.  I know—you are supposed to come to a national park to get away from technology, but we have become so accustomed to being in constant communication with the world, it’s hard to withdraw.

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